Reduce junk mail:
- Direct Mail Association:
- Catalog Choice:
Record Retention Guidelines
- Internal Revenue Service:
- Smead:
- H & R Block:
Office organizing information, community and calculators
Organizing Products That Just Might Change Your Life!
- Pendaflex PileSmart Project Organizers
- Project Organizers at PendaFlex.com ESS 51050, 50995
- File Solutions Filing Systems:
- Erasable Labels: (permanent marker on laminate surface stays clear until you erase and re-use)
- Brother Label Makers (choose one that comes with an A/C adapter):
- Kik Stool – sure grip surfaces, rolls easily into position then stays put for sitting and standing
- Hangers
- Rubber coated metal: Rubber Coated Metal Hangers at StoreSupply.com
- Skirt hangers: Skirt Hangers at StoreSupply.com
- Slacks hangers: Slacks Hangers at Amazon.com
Great Sources for Organizing Products:
- Bed, Bath and Beyond: BedBathandBeyond.com
- The Container Store: ContainerStore.com
- Organized A to Z: OrganizedAtoZ.com
Donation and Charity Information
Find the Right Recipient for Your Unique Donations
Everyone feels better knowing that their donations are going to “a good home,” but it isn’t always easy to find an organization that can use what you have. Search these websites to find your match:
- www.TheStuffShop.com – search by location or stuff
- www.ooshirts.com – suggestions for different types of clothing, furniture, craft materials and sports equipment
Charities Offering Free Donation Hauling
- www.GoodDonor.org – arrange for a pick-up in your area online based on scheduling options from several charities in your area
- Purple Heart:
- Lupus Foundation:
- Vietnam Veterans of America:
- Salvation Army
- SATruck.org Donation Hauling or 1-800-SA-TRUCK (1-800-728-7825)
Learn More About the Charities You Support
Charitable Deduction Records Keeping
- Tax time tips:
- Salvation Army form for recording and valuing donations of common household items: